Our country, the Philippines, is notoriously famous when it comes to how slow government transactions could take, the redundancy, plus employee’s sloth-like actions, your day couldn’t be more special. With people queuing up, hoping to finish what they came for; others didn’t even take lunch, heck even breakfast; while others came from distant towns/cities. These sufferings of the Filipino people seem to be ignored by the government, no actions whatsoever. But in this day and age, one field...
Lately, I’ve been playing around with Emgu CV’s face detection features and it works really well. As I am fond developing apps for the WPF platform, I made one for it too. I’ll try to update this one from time to time, but please take note that the purpose of this app is to be a “base” app for your Face Detection needs.
Right now, the app has few number of features, here they are:
Hello, this is basically my first post. The previous one’s a jekyll default, I didn’t delete it because it’s awesome.
Anyway, I am making new apps - A Facial Recognition App in WPF and A Cyber Cafe Management App. All of them are for the dekstop platform, the latter one is cross-platform though. For the first one, I am using Emgu CV as the recognizing engine. For the latter, I am using Eto Forms to make it cross-platform across desktop OSes. And oh, those two will be open source, y...
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